Love, Iris: H-Rock/Jacks Mountain Hike/Run



H-Rock/Jacks Mountain Hike/Run

foothill bvld hike, h-rock trail, Jack's mountain peak, salt lake city hike, steep hill, running up a mountain, h rock hike, jacks mountain,

H-Rock or Jack's Mailbox Peak is short but very steep, but you will get a great view of the Salt Lake City Valley and you can get a good look at the whole valley too.
This is a great leg work out if that's what you are aiming for. I did run this trail through the switchbacks and it's pretty hard, but I made it and went 10 miles the other way. 
The elevation gain I got was 1012. So it's pretty steep for a short hike too.

Apparently, the person who made this trail and it comes to a mailbox, I couldn't find them, but maybe it was on the other side of where I was, but the guy was named Jack Edward and died from Leukemia. That mountain is where his parents scattered his ashes around the peak. 

If you tend to have knee pain or any type of pain anywhere, this hike is not for you and the same with dogs that can't go up steep mountains. It's basically straight up the mountain. If you do this in the summer, I would suggest bringing lots of water, I did it in September and it wasn't too bad, but I had my whole backpack filled with water. This trail is not shaded at all just a heads up, just directly in the sun. It's great if its cooler outside like fall weather, but it's still good for summer, just need lots of water.

foothill bvld hike, h-rock trail, Jack's mountain peak, salt lake city hike, steep hill, running up a mountain, h rock hike, jacks mountain,

foothill bvld hike, h-rock trail, Jack's mountain peak, salt lake city hike, steep hill, running up a mountain, h rock hike, jacks mountain,

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