Love, Iris: 4 Affordable Things to do in Amsterdam



4 Affordable Things to do in Amsterdam

For many young travelers, most of the few things that comes to everyones mind is that Amsterdam is not for everyone. I don't agree with that. Yes maybe the red light district isn't best for young children at night, but I saw and talked to some folks that said its safe for children too.  Don't be frightened to go, its actually an amazing place in the night and in the day time.

amsterdam, affordable things to do in amsterdam, red light district, anne frank house, canal cruises, canals of amsterdam, canals,

Here's are some of my few tips and pointers for Amsterdam: 

1. Use your airbnb's Bikes/rent one then explore

When you arrive in Amsterdam, you will notice how there is soooo many bikes everywhere. That is right. I loved riding the bikes there, its safe to ride them everywhere too. I was in a airbnb and these were the bikes in the place we were staying at. Yes a garage full of bikes and not cars. If you want to ride ask your airbnb or just go rent a bike. Its the best way to get around and have a great time. It's also great to see whats around riding a bike around.

2. Sit by or do a Canal Cruise

If your exhuasted from riding your bike then I would suggest find one of these scenic canals or a canal cruise. Its the most popular thing to do in Amsterdam amoung the tourists and local people living there will tell you to take a ride. You can actually eat on the sides of the canal too, so sitting there sipping a coffee or eating and relaxing is the best way to enjoy a day!

3. Cruise around the Red Light District

One thing people get scared of about the red light district is about oh how bad it is. It's not bad, yes in the evening it can be really bad because of prositution, but thats legal there during the evening. You can stroll around the area and go eat at a local area without any hassle. They have museums and everything in that district.

4. Go to the Park with the Amsterdam Sign

amsterdam, affordable things to do in amsterdam, red light district, anne frank house, canal cruises, canals of amsterdam, canals,

amsterdam, affordable things to do in amsterdam, red light district, anne frank house, canal cruises, canals of amsterdam, canals,

While your around bike to the Amsterdam sign, you will have a great time. Its in a park, so if you wanna go lay down by the park, join a game of soccer or anything you can do that. This park is great, I saw people doing yoga to soccer around the whole park.

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