Love, Iris: iPhone 6 Plus & 6S Leather Bumper Case Review



iPhone 6 Plus & 6S Leather Bumper Case Review

I recently received this  iPhone 6 Plus Leather Case &  iPhone 6s Leather Case that is only about 8.99 at amazing if you check it out.  It was fun figuring out which one I wanted and figured I'd get the gold cases; they are not really gold kind of like a baseball seats in a car type cover; but it's ok. It still looks pretty cute wearing them. One thing is that they are a hard case so it's a bit hard to get on and you gotta do it nicely.  They have different color's and different sizes for your size phone which you need etc. You will love it; this case seems kind of manly for me; since I'm more of a girly girl but it still works and protects my phone well.
It came to my house within a week of getting it. So if you are worried; I'm in Utah and this is sent from outside of the USA and this came in 5-7 days from when I purchased it. This company has so many different types of phone cases; not only iPhone's they have samsung and other different phone's so if your looking for a great deal on a case for your phone or for a present then these are perfect for you :)

iPhone 6 plus, iPhone 6 plus leather case, iPhone 6s leather case,

1 comment:

  1. Really gorgeous!! :)

    Keep in touch


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